Monday, May 13, 2013

When in Glee Season 5 Will Blaine Graduate? Darren Criss Drops a Hint

Blaine and Kurt in Glee’s Season 4 Finale: Episode 22 “All or Nothing”
Credit: Adam Rose/Mike Yarish/©2013 Fox Broadcasting Co.
We’ve gotten pretty used to Glee season finales signifying the end of the McKinley school year, so we were a bit baffled last night when the season ended with graduation nowhere in sight. Uh, when the heck will everyone be sporting their adorable caps and gowns?
MTV asks Darren Criss (Blaine) where Blaine is headed after McKinley, and Darren acknowledges that the show can only have so many locations and he also provides a clue as to when the world’s longest school year might finally end.

“I imagine he'll probably stay somewhere in the realm that we exist now,” Darren says. “But I have no idea. He can go to New York. He can stay in Lima, Ohio; or maybe they will start building new sets once the graduation happens in the middle of the next season, presumably.”
So we probably won’t see diplomas handed out until deep into Season 5? Interesting. This means that the glee club still has a shot at Nationals, which we learned last night will take place in Los Angeles.

Darren’s comment also suggests that Blaine will in fact be packing his bags for NYC when he’s done with high school, meaning he and Kurt will finally be in the same city again and all will be right with the world.

As for what Blaine might be doing in the Big Apple, Darren has some suggestions. “I assume college is in his future,” he says.

But Darren isn’t opposed to a few unexpected twists. “For all I know he can join the circus, for all I care. That could be amazing. That could be a total left turn.” Uh, the circus? Perhaps Darren has some kind of amazing juggling ability that he hasn’t told us about?

Source: MTV

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